Robotics Academy

Student Led Virtual Tour


The Robotics Academy here at Wendell Krinn Technical High School has five main purposes.

  • Understand robotics, its history, applications, and evolution
  • Understand the role of sensors in the field of robotics
  • Understand Programming concepts
  • Understand Engineering Design Principles
  • Understand safety and its role in robotics and manufacturing

Robotics is about delivering an innovative solution within project constraints. This course provides students with an introduction to the knowledge, human relations, and technological skills found today in technical professions.

VEX Robotics Kits

Each VEX Robotics kit will be inventoried by each group before and after each quarter. You as the student are responsible for all of the pieces, parts, batteries, booklets and any other materials that are needed to complete your kit. Any pieces lost or missing from your kit will be charged to you as the student. Please be very careful of your VEX kits as they are expensive and can be costly to replace missing pieces.

Computer Hardware and Software

All students will be expected to take care of and respect all school computer hardware and software while in their use. Students will have access to computers, software and VEX Robotics. Damages to any computer equipment by a student will be charged to the student. Students also understand that all software used for this course are the property of Pasco County School District and students are not allowed to make copies, share or change programs in any way. It is the responsibility of the student to have copies of any and all their student work on an external hard drive / flash drive. The computers provided may delete files inadvertently so student’s need to make sure they have copies of their work in their possession.

Sequence of Courses

9th Foundation of Robotics

10th Robotic Design Essentials

11th Robotic Systems

12th Robotics Application Capstone

Industry Certification



Certified 3d Drafter (CSWA)

Exciting Events 2018-2019

T.V. Coverage:

September- 10 News School of the Week

November- News Channel 8

Field Trips

October – Manufacturing Day with Seaway Plastic Inc

Instructor Contacts

William Ahlgrim

Room V3

Hours 6:30 – 3:15
